Countess Rostova:
· A thin oriental type of face, worn out with childbearing- she’d had 12
Chapter 10
Introduced to the Rostov’s who are the rich cousins of Anna Mikhaylovna and where she stays with her son Boris whilst in Moscow.
It is St Natalia’s day and name day for the countess and the youngest daughter.
During receiving well wishes we hear about the rest of the night we left Peirre
They put the bear in the carriage with them and went off to visit and “actress” and ended up tying a policeman to the back of the bear and putting it in a channel.
Chapter 11
The “children” come tumbling into the sitting room and we get our first glimpse of Boris and the Rostov’s son of the same age, Sonya, the Rostov’s niece and others.
Chapter 12
Sonya is enamoured with cousin Nicholas. Nicholas is following cousin Boris into the military service. Natasha is in love with Boris. Countess Vera is a lot more prudent.
Chapter 13
Follow Natasha (12-13) out of the sitting room who waits in the shrubbery of the conservatory watching first Boris leave and then Sonya coming out sobbing followed by Nicholas who consoles her with a kiss. This inspires Natasha to find Boris, pull him into the shrubbery and kiss him where upon he assures her that in 4 yrs he will ask for her hand in marriage.
Chapter 14
Countess Vera is sent from the sitting room so that the 2 older women can talk, she finds the 2 couples and starts to harass them about the decorum of their actions and being found in this way, she is seen to be a hard nosed bitch.
Anna and the countess are talking about how Anna has managed Boris’ appointment with Prince Vasili (describing the encounter with much more positivity on his part) and how she is going to go to Count Bezukhov (boris’ godfather) to beg money for his outfitting. Her widowhood and a lawsuit that is crippling her financially are alluded to.
Chapter 15
Anna Mikhaylovna drags her son Boris to the residence of the dying Count Bezukhov and finds Prince Vasili baring the way to entry with the count. She starts repeating that its her uncle and she should be here for him in a nursing capacity and wins a small victory but muscling out on of the princesses. Boris is sent off to invite Peirre to the Rostov’s for dinner with Prince Vasilis assurance that he would at least like him out of the was (both for the evening and out of the way of his inheritance)
Chapter 16
One of the princesses had a mole on her lip which made her the prettier of the two. Since his arrival from Petersburg, Pierre has been barred from seeing the count. Boris reassures Peirre that they have no intention of asking his father for money.
Chapter 17
Countess Rostova asks her husband for the money to give to Anna to outfit Boris and gets it. But there are hints they are going to be in a bad way soon too from Dimitri
Chapter 18 the Rostov’s dinner
We meet Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova Le terrible dragon who is known for speaking her mind and being blunt. They go into dinner and Sonya is again miffed at Nicholas for speaking to Julia Karagina again.
Pierre is once again oblivious to the social graces that he is stepping on, sitting in everyone’s way, talking in monosyllables, and getting well on his way to being drunk in the dinner.
Chapter 19
The dinner continues and the German Hassar who has been drinking heavily starts to get quite animated on the manifesto of war that has been delivered and why the war is necessary. They are interrupted by Marya asking what all the noise is about when she in turn is interrupted by the young Natasha demanding loudly to know what will be for sweets.
Chapter 20
Moving to after dinner entertainment the children are encouraged to sing, when Natasha noticies that Sonya is not with them. After a search of the usual haunts, she is found crying about what vera has said about her and Nicholas not being allowed to marry. Natasha cheers her up and the dancing begins. Natasha is asked to employ pierre in the dance by her mother, the countess, the act of which makes Natasha feel very adult.
We are then pesented with the amusing sight of the count and Marya dancing the Daniel Cooper. With the count entertaining everyone by being most animated for a plump man and most of Marya’s animation coming from her face as she too was a big woman.
Amusing all the guests and even all the serfs of the household.
Chapter 21 the death watch
As the dinner guest dance the 6th anglish the count had his 6th stroke. Prince Vasili corners the oldest of the princesses and convinces her that not only has the count written an new will for Pierre to inherit everything leaving them nothing, that it will not be invalidated by his illegitimacy as he has written to the emperor to legitimise him but that he will have it done. It comes out that it was the princes anne mikalovena that, a year ago, came to sully them to the count and spurned him on to change his will.
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