Tuesday, 27 February 2018
Tumor: A Medical Noir by Joshua Hale Fialkov & Noel Tuazon a short review

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This would have been a 2 star if not for the ending. I really liked the art work but I found the story just a bit too simple. I thought that is could have had a little bit more in the way of plot to fill out what could have been a really meaty story. Ok not great.
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Snow White By Matt Phelan very short review

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is a re-telling of Snow White set in the 1920's told mostly by the beautiful sketched illustrations. A very quick "read" (There really isn't much to read).
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Bitch Planet Vol 1 Review

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was great! The fake ads at the end of each issue about treible products that some sadly existed in the past (tapeworms for weight loss) and could very well exist (pills to make women more compliant, sound like frontal lobotomies anyone?) mixed in with sadly true stats about domestic violence.
Women are held to ridiculous standards by the "Fathers" and anyone who doesn't reach these ideals of feminine beauty, behaviour or stereotype is shipped off to the prison planet Bitch.
Keen to see where this one goes.
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The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes short review

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A nice collection of short mysteries solved with all the flare we expect from the legends of Holmes and Watson. The best in my opinion being "The Scandal in Bohemia" where we meet the only woman to outwit the great detective, "The Five Orange Pips" involving the possible ruin of the KKK, and "The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet" where we see the good in bad people and the bad in those seen as good.
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Wednesday, 21 February 2018
War & Peace Part 2

Tuesday, 20 February 2018
War & Peace part 3 Book 1 Chapter 22-27
War & Peace part 3 Book 1 Chapter 22-27
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Monday, 19 February 2018
War and Peace Part 1
My raw notes on my second reading of War and Peace By Leo Tolstoy
War and Peace
Book 1 1805
Characters with multiple names listed down the column
Anna Pavlovna:
· self-deprecating “if you’re not doing anything else please come and see me the invalid”
· “despite her 40 yrs overflowed with animation and impulsiveness” doesn’t matter how old she gets she is forever a child or that is what she portrays
· people she “serves up as a specially choice delicacy a piece of meat that no one who had seen it in the kitchen would have cared to eat” cutting comment on the aristocracy?
Prince Vasili
· children: Anatole, Hippolyte, Helene
Princess Bolkonskaya
· on her upper lip, a delicate dark down
· pregnant
· the most fascinating woman in Petersburg
“Prince Vasili did not reply, though, with the quickness of memory and perception befitting a man of the world, he indicated by a movement of his head that he was considering this information” he nodded… wtf
Influence in society, however, is a capital which has to be economized if it to last” When Princess Drubetskaya was begging for his influence of the emperor to have her son (Boris) made a Guard
Pierre vs vicomte
V: “Liberty and quality, high-sounding words which have long been discredited.”
Pierre seems like the well meaning buffoon that is only there to amuse the others, his appearance, large and bungling, picking up others possessions and not knowing the right courtly procedures, talking to the aunt etc. His opinions, his siding with Napoleon and agreeing that the execution was the right thing to do politically and that the French people will not fall back under the power of the rightful king willingly are all at odds with what the political opinions of his “betters” symbolised by the vicomte.
Prince Hiployte is in love with princess bolkonskaya (the little princess) who I married to prince Andrew who doesn’t really seem to care for her, but won't be cuckolded. He is going to war, away from his new pregnant wife because the life he lives here (Petersburg) doesn’t suit him and she will be sent to the country for good measure.
Prince Andrew solidifies this contempt for his little wife in an argument with her about his leaving for war and moving her to his father’s house in the country where she admits her fear, in front of Pierre.
After promising Prince Andrew that he will no longer go around the Kurigins he heads straight there to see a scene of debauchery and drinking with a bear (Bruin) and a window being smashed out for a bet.
End of session 1

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater Review
https://youtu.be/5u9tVfL9m8gI finally edited and got this one out there. Come and check it out.
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Sunday, 18 February 2018
Ringworld by Larry Niven Review
I came to this book through a refernece to it in Wil Wheaton's book Just a Geek. Wheaton described meeting Larry Niven at a convention and the mutual enthusiasm of their meeting and his glowing recomendation of the book made me what to read it. Wheaton was right, its is a great technical science fiction book and I just loved it.
Its not easy to develop sound and complex characters for fictional alien species as well as logical and very advanced technologies with an engaging plot. But Niven has done just that.
I'm gushing but it is so rarely that I love a story this much that doesn't have dragons or zombies or magic.
I love my science fi
Long form review of House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
These are the raw notes I took whilst re-reading House of Leaves in January 2018
House of Leaves
Chapter IX
Opening line goes to first footnote x135129137 and 130
137134 back to x
130 131132133
x refers to “inexplicable wanderings and that seems to be what we are doing until we come to 130, chasing our tale back and forth through the pages where we get the translation referring the Labyrinth and then to centrality and then to gravity.
In 120 we find out that Zampano got it all from 1 book and was sending us on a goose chase to look smart according to Johnny
Where he rants about truck’s running him over that didn’t, trees falling on him that don’t…
Describes yet another sexual partner and then leaves us unsure of where to read next.
Why use the german for building plan, the apologise, then give the translation
Footnote 136 actually talks about doors opening up as a deceptive way ahead and to force the visitor to go back upon the very same tracks that he has already followed on his wanderings and then sends us back to a k footnote on pg 109 from 114
Footnote 138 sends us back to the end of chapter 6 and forward 150 odd pages
Footnote 139 is actually warning us about reading too fast or too slow and not understanding what we have read and becoming tangled in the labyrinth. Then sends us back to 135 on so on through ground already covered
Footnote 142 within Johnny’s footnote about drinking too much refers to love fading fast and leads to blank lines? A dead end?
Pg 119 the blue boxes begin
Footnote 144 is inside the first blue box, can’t tell how many of the words are also blue, contents talked about being piping and ducts and the like are usually in walls, floors etc and are in this case sectioned off in the box is then mirror imaged as if seen from behind on the next page and continues in that style until pg 144 with the struck out line “picture that in your dreams” a house made of nothing.
Footnote 146 list buildings that the house is not like runs down the left hand side of the double page from pg 120-134
This is then referred to the opposite side of the page where there is a list of architects but is upside down forcing me to flip the book and work back to pg 121
Once past pg 121 we can read the straight path knowing the other sections exist without having to acknowledge them like the exploration4
Pg 122 we get the first sign that something is in the house with them. The destruction of the food cache and the neon arrow
Just when we think we are getting through this literary labyrinth, we have flipped the book upside down to read foot note 166 (film hauntings) and worked back several pages, flipped sideways and worked forward again for 167 (literary hauntings) who’s space grows on its last page we start to read about historical explorations that have resulted in isolation caused mutiny from footnote 169 we are sent back to footnote 155 about the mysterious growl that further sends us back to the start of the chapter with the x footnote.
Then directed to the Pelican poems with I feel the only one related being the last about him tapping on the wall of a house and wanting to drink something warm again, reflecting the situation we left Wax an xxx in.
This chapter is a mind fuck and a labyrinth with the mirrored words the worst to read.
Chapter 10
Navidson brothers and Reston set off the rescue the Holloway team.
Navisdon starts his usaual cinematography
Thursday, 15 February 2018
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Recommended Quick Reads | #StrikeBackVideoAThon
Recommended Quick Reads | #StrikeBackVideoAThon
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Monday, 12 February 2018
Book Review Distress by Greg Egan
Book Review Distress by Greg Egan
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Favorite Bookish Romances | #StrikeBackVideoAThon
Favorite Bookish Romances | #StrikeBackVideoAThon
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Sunday, 11 February 2018
Saturday, 10 February 2018
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater Review 4/5 stars
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater Review
4/5 stars
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Thursday, 8 February 2018
Wednesday, 7 February 2018
Tuesday, 6 February 2018
Cover buys | #StrikeBackVideoAThon
Cover buys | #StrikeBackVideoAThon
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Monday, 5 February 2018
January Wrap Up | #StrikeBackVideoAThon
January Wrap Up | #StrikeBackVideoAThon
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Sunday, 4 February 2018
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